Education & Empowerment
01 / Education
Our Training Programs are developed to educate all levels from Beginner to Advanced about Self Defense, Protective Services, Safe Firearms Handling and Use.
02 / Empowerment
Through training we Empower our students and build confidence to use the new skills they have for Hunting, Sport, and Self Defense.
Meet Our Instructors
Lucas Holzhueter
Chief Instructor
Certified NRA Pistol Instructor, Personal Protection in The Home Instructor, Range Safety Officer
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
PPCT Defensive Tactic Instructor
Area: Central and Northern MN
Daniel Krueger
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
Curriculum Development team
Area: Brainerd Lakes & Aitkin
Keith Whiting
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
Area: Bemidji and Northern MN
Preston Dagen
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
Outreach team
Area: North Dakota and Central MN
Lee Kotaska
Jake Peters
Austin Brucker
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
Area: Central MN
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
NRA Range Safety Officer
Area: North Eastern ND
Kenneth Porter
Certified MN Permit to Carry Instructor
Certified Pyrotechnician
Area: North Eastern MN
Bemidji 218-556-9152
Brainerd Lakes & Aitkin
HQ-Detroit Lakes
1042 Hwy 59 South
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
218-234-5890 KineticDefenseLLC@gmail.com
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